schmittdesign wool sculpture needle felt needle felted wool fiber schmittdesign wool sculpture needle felt needle felted wool fiberschmittdesign wool sculpture needle felt needle felted wool fiberschmittdesign wool sculpture needle felt needle felted wool fiber
A b o u t
Born: 1951, Dayton, OH
Home: Indianapolis, IN
BFA, Printmaking, Ohio University
MS, Informatics - New Media, Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis
Art and design – CETA (Comprehensive Emplyment and Training Act) outdoor muralist,
gallery assistant, painter, printmaker, sculptor, graphic designer, new media designer, instructor.
I sculpt objects in wool because of how the characteristics of the material transform the subjects –it seems like this medium especially has something to say about the meaning of the objects. The felted wool not only describes the shape, it suggests other qualities, such as: blurring of intent, softness, or even antithetically, roughness. The meanings can be contradicting –contrasting serious and humorous aspects.
What I enjoy the most about working in wool is exploring ideas and connecting them, and discovering things I didn’t expect.